
Video Testimonials

what client's say

I’m off my b/p meds.

If you work, THIS works... I ended up losing 20+ pounds, resulting in my being removed from b/p meds. I move better, I feel better.

I lost 17 lbs and 5 percent body fat!

Here's the deal: if you are not going to push yourself, go back to what you were doing. This program works! I lost 17 lbs and 5 percent body fat.

My pants are one belt size smaller.

Great progress for workouts and eating healthy... So far the first week was great. My pants are one belt size smaller.

Accountability and a clear cut plan made me want to succeed.

I was that person..... oh I don’t do lunges or pull ups or burpees. Well at the end of 30 days I can do a set of 4 and I’m improving daily. The coaches and group provide accountability and a clear cut plan which made me want to succeed and drop all excuses.

Best Investment.

I'm only 2 weeks in but it's still considered the best investment brought in 2021. The next investment will be buying new clothes that fit when the weight loss goal is achieved.

My motivation is off the charts ATM!

There is this guy at my gym - built like a brick house and 25 years my junior - who told me today I look amazing. SO, my motivation is off the charts ATM! I’m down 6 lbs and 9 inches, but more than anything, I feel STRONG and it’s awesome!


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