Nate Yamasaki

Born and raised in Hawaii, currently resides in Southern California. 

Married with two sons. Worked in the auto industry for 20 years, 18 years managerial. 2018, opened Torrance Fit Body Boot Camp, co-owned with spouse.

Coaching online elite level entrepreneurs, husbands and fathers since 2022.

Coaching philosophy - phased benchmarks, accountable to data and specific to desired adaptation.

Fat loss, muscle gain, body recomposition, athleticism and aesthetics have a simple blueprint that can be adjusted based on a client’s goals and needs. 

Interests outside of the fitness industry are backcountry western bowhunting, field archery, fly fishing, field craft, ocean sports, and supporting son’s progress in BJJ.

Notables: University of Hawaii BA, NASM CES, Torrance FBBC | Litmus - Owner, MDK Class 002, 1024 5Ks

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