The Entrepreneur
EX-elerator Online Course

Conquer Your Business Challenges in Just 6 Weeks

Are You Facing These

Business Challenges?

Struggling to Scale? Wondering how to grow your business effectively without losing control?

Team Management Troubles? Unsure how to build a team that's as driven and dedicated as you are?

Profit Plateau? Trying to increase your bottom line but hitting a wall?

Marketing Mysteries? Confused about which strategies will truly connect with your audience?

Time Management Mayhem? Feel like there's never enough time to accomplish all your goals?

Leadership Doubts? Questioning if you’re leading in the most impactful way?

Work-Life Imbalance? Struggling to juggle the demands of your business with personal life?

These are common hurdles for many business owners. The Entrepreneur EX-elerator Online Course is specifically designed to address these pain points and propel you towards success.

Course Overview

Exclusive Content and Live Interaction

Week by Week Breakdown: Each week focuses on a key aspect of business growth - from marketing strategies to leadership skills.

Video Access: Revisit the powerful sessions from the live event with full access to all the recordings.

Live Weekly Zoom Calls: Engage in 90-minute interactive sessions with Nick Koumalatsos, Kirk Weisler, and other industry experts.

Actionable Assignments: Practical tasks to implement the learnings in your business immediately.

Networking and Supportive Community

Exclusive Online Community Access: Connect with fellow course members, share experiences, and build lasting relationships.

Collaborative Learning Environment: Learn from the challenges and successes of others in a collaborative environment.

Expert Guidance and Personalized Feedback

Q&A Sessions: Get your specific questions answered directly by the experts.

Feedback and Guidance: Receive personalized feedback to help refine your business strategies.

Your Path to

Overcoming Business Hurdles

Strategies for Sustainable Scaling: Learn how to grow your business while maintaining quality and control.

Effective Team Building and Management: Create a team culture that fosters success and aligns with your vision.

Profit Maximization Techniques: Unlock the potential for higher revenue and profitability.

Marketing Strategies That Work: Discover marketing tactics that resonate with your audience and drive results.

Efficient Time Management: Master the art of doing more in less time without burnout.

Leadership Excellence: Enhance your leadership skills to inspire and lead your team to new heights.

Achieving Work-Life Harmony: Find the balance that lets you thrive both in business and personal life.

What You Will Achieve

Clear Business Growth Strategies:

Understand and apply the methods that have successfully scaled businesses.

Enhanced Leadership Skills:

Elevate your team's performance and your leadership style.

Increased Profitability:

Learn techniques to boost your bottom line.

Balanced Entrepreneurial Life:

Strategies for managing stress and achieving work-life harmony.

Meet Your


Nick Koumalatsos

Nick Koumalatsos is a seasoned entrepreneur and business coach with a background in Special Operations.

A driving force in the world of business, Nick founded Johnny Slicks, a booming organic grooming brand, and leads Agoge, a high-impact coaching program designed to skyrocket business success.

His expertise lies in scaling businesses, smashing through growth barriers, and building formidable teams.

In collaboration with Core Medical Group, Nick also emphasizes a holistic approach to men's health, including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Whether it's through his books, coaching programs, or speaking engagements, Nick empowers leaders and entrepreneurs to dominate in their respective fields.

Unlock your potential with Nick Koumalatsos—the entrepreneur, coach, and leader who not only talks the talk but walks the walk.

Kirk Weisler

With over 20 years in executive coaching on culture and professional speaking, Kirk Weisler is renowned for his practical and impactful approach to work life.

He advocates seeing one’s work as a life’s work, enriching both professional and personal realms.

Kirk holds the title of Chief Morale Officer, offering coaching and workshops globally.

He’s a past leader of the National Speakers Association, a master team builder, and a successful entrepreneur, contributing to four thriving startups.

His influential books, like “The Dog Poop Initiative,” have sold over 100,000 copies worldwide and are integral to corporate training programs.

Kirk's client list boasts major firms like Delta and FedEx.

A former member of the 19th Special Forces and US Army Ranger, Kirk resides in Arizona with his wife and six children, balancing a dynamic career with a fulfilling family life.


Enrollment Information

Course Fee:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly is the Entrepreneur EX-elerator Online Course?

The Entrepreneur EX-elerator Online Course is a 6-week program designed to provide entrepreneurs with actionable strategies and insights for overcoming common business challenges. It includes access to recorded content from the live EX-elerator event, weekly live Zoom calls with experts, and personalized mentorship.

2. Who is this course ideal for?

This course is ideal for business owners and entrepreneurs who are facing challenges in scaling their business, managing teams, increasing profits, marketing effectively, balancing work-life, and enhancing leadership skills.

3. What will I learn in this course?

You will learn strategies for sustainable business scaling, effective team management, profit maximization, impactful marketing, efficient time management, enhanced leadership, and achieving work-life harmony.

4. Are there any prerequisites for joining the course?

No specific prerequisites are required, but it's beneficial to have an existing business or a strong business idea you are planning to execute.

5. How are the online sessions conducted?

The online sessions are conducted via Zoom. These are interactive sessions where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and receive personalized feedback.

6. Will I have access to the course material after the course ends?

Yes, participants will have extended access to all course materials, including video recordings and any additional resources provided during the course.

7. What if I miss a live Zoom session?

All live sessions will be recorded, and you will be able to access the recordings at your convenience.

8. Is there a certification upon completing the course?

Yes, participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of completion.

9. What is the refund policy for the course?

We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If after attending the first two sessions, you feel the course isn’t the right fit, you can request a full refund. (I need to think about this one. Leaning towards no refunds)

10. How can I sign up for the Entrepreneur EX-elerator Online Course?

You can enroll in the course by clicking here:

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